Barefootbooks出品的《Bare Foot Books》系列绘本动画,色彩艳丽,拥有浓厚的艺术气息,独特的绘画风格,更加接近孩子的想象世界,每一首儿歌都是一个完整的故事,不但给孩子提供了听和看的语言输入,又能给孩子大胆的唱出儿歌以鼓舞,堪称儿童绘本中的精品。

- A Dragon on the Doorstep (US)..mp4
- A Farmer’s Life for Me..mp4
- A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea..mp4
- Creep Crawly Calypso (US)..mp4
- Driving My Tractor (US)..mp4
- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush..mp4
- If You’re Happy and You Know It!..mp4
- Knick Knack Paddy Whack..mp4
- Magic Train Ride..mp4
- Over in the Meadow..mp4
- Port Side Pirates!..mp4
- Space Song Rocket Ride[1080p]..mp4
- The Animal Boogie[720p]..mp4
- The Farmyard Jamboree..mp4
- The Journey Home from Grandpa’s..mp4
- The Shape Song Swingalong..mp4
- The Wheels on the Bus..mp4
- Up, Up, Up!..mp4
- Vivamos la granja!..mp4
- Walking Through the Jungle..mp4
- We All Go Traveling By (US)..mp4
- Whole World..mp4