《Something Special out and about》这是BBC CBeebies一套针对学龄前儿童,介绍默启通手语的节目。
儿童在讲话时需要打手势。“默启通”( Makaton)是一个支持语言的手势系统。4手势可以给儿童视觉提示,从而帮助他们理解和交流自己的需求。那些在处理抽象信息方面有障碍的儿童很又理解词汇意思,“默启通”对这类儿童特别有用

Something Special is the BBC CBeebies programme aimed at introducing Makaton sign language to pre-school children.
The programme is well worth investigating, and the wesbite includes Makaton, activities which are “development focused” as well as lots of special needs information for adults.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Something Special is a children’s television programme produced and broadcast by the BBC. The producer is Allan
Johnston who worked as a teacher of children with special needs before joining the BBC in 1989. It is designed to teach children signing supported by Makaton gestures, and is specifically aimed at children with delayed learning and communication difficulties. It is aired on CBeebies (both the separate channel and CBeebies on BBC One and BBC Two).
It is presented by Justin Fletcher (“Justin” from Tikkabilla), and features various other characters (also played by Justin) and clips of disabled children. Justin speaks as well as signing, and a spoken narrative is provided over the clips of children.
The characters played by Justin (other than himself) are the Tumble Family: Mr Tumble, Grandad Tumble and Baby Tumble. Other members of the Tumble family to have made recent appearances include two Aunts – Polly and Suki (as in the popular nursery rhyme “Polly Put the Kettle On”) and Lord Tumble.
The name of the programme derives from the idea that all children, irrespective of their position on the learning spectrum, are special.