Disney Junior – Babar and the Adventures of Badou大象巴巴和小象巴杜冒险记 Season 1 – 26集含52个故事 适合年龄:3+

改编自著名童话, 是一套多元化的动画,教导小朋友宽容待人,并特别强调家庭关系的重要性。这些有趣的成长故事当然会令人想起父母窝心的回忆。这3D动画系列主耍围绕Babar八岁孙子正面对待有趣而充满挑战性的成长历程。Babar八岁孙子是个充满冒险精神的小象,喜欢到处历险。融入Badou和他的朋友的世界,与猴子Chiku,箭猪Monroe,班马Zawadi,和土狼Jake,从儿童角度出发到宫廷和丛林冒险。
最佳学龄前动画系列片提名:Babar and the Adventures of Badou

After 75 celebrated years, the iconic tales of Babar get a 21st-century update in Babar and the Adventure of Badou. This 3-D animated series centers around Babar’s 8 year old grandson as he encounters the exciting and challenging aspects of growing up. The series introduces a whole new cast of character friends and speaks to diversity, tolerance and especially the importance of a strong family bond. It’s sure to inspire a whole new generation of young fans, while rekindling heartwarming memories for their parents, with fun and meaningful stories about growing up and growing older.