Usborne是真正的颜值和内容并存的出版社,这套睡前英文故事绘本bedtime treasury主要收录了一些著名的寓言故事,有人物、动物、冒险、骑士、童话故事等,比较适合基础较好,且能自主阅读的孩子。


The Bedtime Fairy
The Elves and the Shoemaker
Clever Kallie
Tom Thumb
The Fisherman and the Genie
Starlight Wishes
The Miller’s Boy and the Mermaid
The Sandman
Fairy Moon
Ice Dragon
The Magic Nutcracker
Fairy Gold
Seven Suns
Winter and Spring
Rip Van Winkle
The Endless Day
Hercules and the Golden Apples
Three Wishes
Twelve Months
The Magic Pear Tree
Stone Soup
The Man in the Moon
The Sun and the Wind
The Magic Carpet